Online Video Quantum Flame Healing, Belief Coding ®, Mind Navigation, Counselling & Hypnotherapy with Niamh

Helping People To Heal, To Empower & Free Themselves To Live The Life They Want

Céad Míle Fáilte = A Hundred Thousand Welcomes

to NMG Therapies

Hi I'm Niamh Mary Goodyer and Welcome to NMG Therapies.

I offer Quantum Flame Healing (Energy Healing), Quantum Kids Healing with The 5 Awakenings, Belief Coding ®, Belief Coding ® with Mind Navigation, Counselling and Hypnotherapy all online via a secure video system, allowing me to work with people in the UK where I am based and Internationally. 

Do you want to release yourself of Physical or Emotional Pain and Suffering? Have had enough of what life is like for you now and want something different for yourself? Want to Feel Lighter, have Love and Joy in your heart, feel Excited about life again, have Fun, Regain your Sparkle, Confidence and Independence and Live the life you want. 

You might be feeling Stuck, Trapped, Powerless, Helpless, Hopeless, Angry, Frustrated, Sad, Weighed Down and Really Want to Change that, to feel Empowered, In Control, Happy. Are ready for that change to happen Now? Then you have been guided here because I can help you. I work with Highly Motivated Clients who are at the stage where they are ready to release all the baggage weighing them down, Physically and Emotionally.

The journey of healing with me involves Self Discovery, Release and Letting Go of what is weighing you down ( often trapped emotions, negative beliefs and trauma) and bringing in what is helpful to you.

It's ok to need help and support to get to where you want in life. I believe in raising each other up, helping one another achieve a happy fulfilled life. If it feels alien to ask for and receive help - I totally get that. That may well be part of our work together. 

The clients I work with want to be happy, want clarity back, better health, better night's sleep, want to find themselves again, find their spark, their self belief, their confidence, their love of life and ability to be fully present, engaging in life. They want to be free of their Pain and Suffering, what feels like their life sentence, knowing and believing that this doesn't have to be the way for them, that there is a way to heal. 

Here's a list of what people who I work with may have going on when they contact me - Abuse, Addiction, Adoption, Anxiety, Low Self Belief and Confidence, Depression, Difficulty Connecting with or Expressing Emotions, Feeling Stuck and Trapped, Grief and Loss, Insomnia, Fears, Habits and Phobias, Pain or Physical illness or Physical Symptoms like Autoimmune Diseases, Cancer, Fibromyalgia, Gut issues, ME, MS, Skin Conditions, Stress, Relationship Dynamic Issues, Trauma, and Stopping Smoking.

As you can see some of these are unhealthy emotional releases and coping strategies and can be changed.

Dr Gabor Maté says Trauma is not what happened to us but rather what happened inside of us as a result of the event. It's about finishing off trauma cycles by releasing the emotions stored so the healing can happen. We can also inherit trauma that manifests as physical illness and disease and you can choose to break this cycle and release this. 

Dr Bruce D. Perry and Oprah Winfrey in their book "what happened to you?" say the question that is the key question to ask rather than   "What's wrong with you?" 

The key here is that you have Choice. That's what is so wonderful - You Can claim back Your Power. Don't know how to access that key - I can help guide you to your own key. 

I help parents,carers and those supporting children and young people who are feeling helpless, hopeless and are physically and mentally exhausted whilst trying desperately to get the help their child needs. An experience not asked for or ever wished for.  The ripple effect when we as adults are supported and do our healing work is phenomenal - I have experienced it and witnessed this myself.  

I am Passionate about Enabling and Empowering clients to release what holds them back so they can live their lives the way they want to. It's  surprising all the unhelpful beliefs we hold about ourselves (some in our awareness and others not), beliefs about the world and all those hidden emotions that we tucked away over the years. This technique of hiding our emotional stuff away often referred to as Pandora's box. People often fear opening this box, instead hoping that either they would just cope and get on with life or that the stuff might even dissolve away if ignored long enough. The reality is quite different. The unhelpful beliefs often limit our lives and the emotions often are released in unhealthy ways mentally (Anxiety, Depression, Panic Attacks, Imposter Syndrome, Intrusive Thoughts, Self Doubt, Self Sabotage and physically with Self Harming, Skin Conditions, Pain, Cancers, Diseases and Illnesses short and long term). We often carry ancestral trauma that is unhelpful and unnecessary for us to carry and we can be released of this too. 

Our beliefs are created by our subconscious (the part of our minds that keeps us alive ensuring we breathe and our hearts beat) to keep us safe. Our perspective in life may change from child to adult but our subconscious does not automatically change with our experiences. It's like a hard drive of a computer and keeps the first input locked in until we replace it with a new file. This is where the possibility of change and healing comes in. You can replace the file in the subconscious by healing the root cause. Further healing happens when you release the emotions and energy attached to life events that you have stored away. 

The ways in which I help clients do this is through Belief Coding ®, Belief Coding ® with Mind Navigation, Counselling (including the Compassionate Inquiry Approach by Dr Gabor Maté), Hypnotherapy and Quantum Flame Healing® (Energy Healing), Quantum Kids Healing with The 5 Awakenings and Inner Growth as well as chakra Healing and Usui Reiki level 1 . You choose your preferred method and together we use the resources within you, the power of your mind, the resources around you and within the Quantum and my skills to make the changes you want and deserve. This may feel impossible at the moment and you may not feel worthy or deserving of the help and that's sadly very normal but the wonderful thing is it's not true. We create this new truth, a new life script together by uncovering the old truth that your mind, body and soul are carrying and release it through meeting yourself with kindness, understanding, compassion and love- again this may sound very challenging, like facing a mountain but I will guide you in small steps how to get to the top. 

You may be feeling lost or alone. You may not wish to share your feelings with others as that is new for you, totally unfamiliar or you may feel like a burden. You may find it difficult to express your emotions or not even know what they are. You might always be the strong one or be expected to be the strong one. You may have been conditioned not to feel. Seeking therapy may be very challenging for you in many ways but change is possible. Where there is the desire and motivation to change, it happens. You are worthy and deserving of more, even though you may not believe it yet - You Will.

Fear of the unknown is very very common and can often put clients off getting the help they need. Be mindful of your subconscious at play trying to keep you safe or so it thinks. It will present memories and thoughts and maybe even illness to get you to cancel your appointment if you have booked one or reasons not to click send to the email request for help. Reclaim your Power and take this step forward - to Your Brighter, Lighter Future. 

My commitment to you is to support you and enable you to work through the challenges you are facing. Providing a Safe, Confidential Space of No Judgement, where you can freely explore and understand yourself more deeply.  There can be relief and healing in sharing what you have been holding alone. I help you to understand your thoughts, feelings, beliefs and behaviours giving you the opportunity to offer yourself some compassion and the opportunity to choose how to feel, to be with your feelings and to react in a conscious way of your choosing. Empowering you to become Response Able.

YOU can change how you are in the world and how you experience the world. You do not have to carry old beliefs, thoughts, feelings, unhealthy coping strategies and fears into your future. Make the change now, not just for you but those around you and the generations to come. 


This  provides us with the opportunity to meet, where you can tell me what your needs are and what you hope to gain from our working together and for me to answer any of your questions. It's really important to me that you find the right therapist for you.

I believe in providing you with a Professional and Ethical service.

I am a registered member with the National Counselling Society and the National Hypnotherapy Society and adhere to their Codes of Ethics.

I take your Data Protection and Privacy seriously and I am registered with the Information Commissioners Office.

I am Insured.

I offer a FREE, No Obligation 20 minute Clarity Call

Contact me for the Opportunity to meet and discuss what YOU would like to Be Free of BOOK NOW

20 minute Clarity Call FREE
60 minute Counselling Session £88
60 minute Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) £22 - reduced rate until 31/10/24
60 minute Hypnotherapy Session £88
90 minute Quantum Flame Healing Session £111
90 minute Belief Coding ® Session £111
Quantum Kids & Inner Growth £44 child/£88 Adult
For clients on benefits, a pension, students, those on a lower income Reduced Rates are available

Any data collected on this page will be used and stored for the purposes of contacting you only.

Haywards Heath based Quantum Flame Healing®, Quantum Kids with The 5 Awakenings and Inner Growth, Belief Coding ®, EFT, Mind Navigation, Counselling and Hypnotherapy serving clients throughout the UK and Internationally

What is Belief Coding ® and How Does it Work?

Belief Coding ® is a newly developed method of a blend of multiple styles of therapy (NLP, Positive Psychology and Kinesiology) releasing trapped emotions associated with negative beliefs, speaking directly with the subconscious and healing old memories>  By releasing the trapped emotion it takes away the emotional charge associated with a memory removing the trigger that is showing up in your present life where you respond with certain thoughts and behaviours that you developed to cope. The trapped emotion is identified using a Kinesiology technique so there is often sitting and some standing during the session. 

The old beliefs are replaced by new beliefs after the healing of the memory/memories has been done. The healing is done by meeting the needs of the younger self (that the subconscious identifies as needing your help) in moments when their needs were not met. It is not a talk therapy in the same way as counselling and you do not have to feel the emotion in order for it to be released but you may feel it as part of the release process. You are fully conscious throughout the session. They are longer sessions because multiple memories may be attached to a single emotion. The new beliefs created by you, replace and remove the limits of the old beliefs so you can be free to live life the way you want to. 

We often believe that our reactions in the present moment are exactly that but in all the methods I use we identify the young part that is actually activated in that moment and responding in a way it believes is helpful to you. You can observe this in yourself by asking yourself the simple question - How old do I feel in this moment? Your mind or body will give you the honest answer if you are open to hearing it. Why do this - to claim back your POWER. These beliefs, ways of reacting and ways of coping came about at a time when you felt dis empowered or powerless and you adapted in that moment because that's what we are designed to do - Survive. Want more from your life than survival or barely surviving? Want to thrive and enjoy life? You are worthy of the best life and if you don't believe that then there is some healing work to do and I'm more than happy to help you to heal.   

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